
其中特色包括:查詢結果可選擇以資料年代順序瀏覽(timelineviews)或相關地區圖示(mapviews)、查詢結果畫面的左/右邊欄有導航(提示)選項(Left-handsearch ...,Universalsearch(alsoknownas“BlendedSearch”or“EnhancedSearch”)istheabilityofasearchenginetoexpandsearchresultsbyblendingresultsfrom ...,Wepostedseveralrecommendationsonhowtotakeadvantageofuniversalsearchlastyear.Hereareafewadditionaltips.,Withunivers...

Google的全域搜尋(Universal Search)

其中特色包括:查詢結果可選擇以資料年代順序瀏覽(timeline views)或相關地區圖示(map views)、查詢結果畫面的左/右邊欄有導航(提示)選項(Left-hand search ...

What is Universal Search?

Universal search (also known as “Blended Search” or “Enhanced Search”) is the ability of a search engine to expand search results by blending results from ...

Taking advantage of universal search, part 2

We posted several recommendations on how to take advantage of universal search last year. Here are a few additional tips.

Taking advantage of universal search

With universal search, we've begun blending results from more than just the web in order to provide the most relevant and useful results possible. In addition ...

Google Launches Universal Search & Blended Results

Google is undertaking the most radical change to its search results ever, introducing a “Universal Search” system that will blend listings ...


4. Universal Results(暫譯:通用結果). Universal Results目前沒有確切的中文譯名,Universal Results是Google透過不同的搜尋類型(圖片、地點)的搜尋 ...

What is Universal Search?

Universal search is search that allows Google to show images, local businesses, rich snippets, and more right on the SERP.

What is Universal Search - All info in the SEO Glossary

“Universal Search” (also called “Blended Search” or “Enhanced Search”) refers to the integration of additional media like videos, images or maps.

搜尋Universal Search

Google 在2007年就已經完全導入了Universal Search 的搜尋服務,也就是說全世界各地的搜尋結果都已經不同,在人、事、時、地、物,這些組成因子不同的環境下,相同關鍵字在世界 ...

How Universal Search Works

“Universal search is the ability to search all content across multiple databases through a single search box. Although content sources might ...